Inspired by Americana

At its core, Americana is patriotic but that doesn’t mean you have to cover your room in the American flag.

What is Americana Design?

Americana design is an up and coming trend that pairs patriotism with style. Using a mixture of obvious and subtle American culture references, you can transform any room into a casual, yet appealing, Americana theme. Our favorite Americana design ideas incorporates handmade, rustic furniture paired with bold accents and vintage accessories.

Flag with Flowers in Vase

We love working the flag into décor in subtle and unexpected ways like this adorable floral arrangement. Wouldn’t it look awesome on a nightstand next to our red wood headboard? For more subtle ideas for working the flag into your room, check out this Last Minute 4th of July Decorating Ideas post.

Red Wood Plank Headboard

Red can be a bold color, but don’t let that stop you! Opt for a weathered or distressed finish, like our red wood plank headboard, for a softer look.

Blue and White Pillows Make Greate Americana Design Accents

Not ready to commit to a full blown Americana theme? Opt for accent décor, like these graphic blue and white accent pillows, that can be easily repurposed in a nautical theme. When paired with our red wood headboard, we love how they evoke a patriotic feel.

Weathered Whitewash Headboard

Handmade headboards like ours are the perfect piece of rustic furniture for Americana-styled rooms. Our Whitewash Weathered Headboard is available in both hanger and leaner styles.

Inspired by Americana Design Ideas Icon

Americana design is trendier than ever and because it includes so many styles, it’s a look that works in nearly any home.

DIY Star Spangled Inspired Banner

We love the look of this flag-inspired banner. It’s a subtle nod to patriotism that would look great swagged over our rustic whitewash headboard. And, even better, it’s an easy DIY project. Click here for step-by-step instructions.

White Painted Night Stands

White refurbished or distressed furniture makes for a perfect pairing when combined with bold Americana elements.

American Design Inspired Wood Headboard

If you’re all in on Americana, our Americana Mix headboard creates a bold focal point. We designed it to have an Americana feel by combining natural wood elements with red, white, and blue stripes sprinkled throughout. It’s available in both hanger and leaner styles.

Wood Framed US Travel Map

Showcase your journey around the U.S. with a cute, customizable travel map paired with our Americana Mix headboard.

Woman Waving Sparkler

Nothing says Americana like sparklers on the 4th of July, but don’t let that stop you from sparkling all year ’round!

Mandala Stencil Painted onto Wood Planks

While our headboards look great on their own, we love to see how our customers personalize them. A chalk painted stencil adds a bit of chic detail to our solid designs. Click here for everything you wanted to know about stenciling with chalk paint.

Navy Blue Wood Headboard

Navy is a great headboard color that can be customized to your unique style. It’s easy to add a chalk paint stencil or vinyl decal in crisp white. Get it in hanger or leaner style.

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Americana Design Ideas and Inspiration

The term “Americana” is meant to be an all-encompassing term that refers to anything relating to the overall culture of the US. Collectors have Americana artifacts, holidays celebrate with Americana toys and décor, and now, interior design inspired by Americana is becoming a yearlong trend that we love.

Yes, the majority of Americana design is centered around and originates from our patriotic holidays (4th of July, Labor Day, Memorial Day), but now people are extending it and transforming it to include other design styles like primitive and country. Americana is a decorating style that incorporates history, geography, and many aspects of our culture.

More Than Red, White, and Blue

As we said, patriotic Americana is a very common, easily recognizable design that is centered around red, white, and blue. It includes stars and stripes and any reference to our fight for freedom. But it isn’t the only way to represent Americana.

To tone down the patriotic feel, mix in antiques, a few vintage favorites from the thrift shop, and metal elements. Or use blue and white, New England-inspired elements to evoke Americana design. If you’re not a fan of the sea, avoid anything too nautical. Instead, opt for old maps, used books, baskets, dried flowers, handcrafted objects, and vintage furniture.

Follow Us on Pinterest for More Americana Design Ideas!

Americana Embraces Many Styles

Creating a look inspired by Americana design ideas is easier than ever to achieve. It doesn’t mean you have to display the American flag across a wall. It just means you’re embracing pieces that encompass the American dream and its surrounding culture. In fact, there are a number of different types of Americana design, some of which include primitive, farmhouse, and nautical.

To get the most out of your décor, opt for pieces that can be easily repurposed if you want a change. The subtler the Americana design, the easier it will be to restyle a room.

To get started with your Americana home, check out our featured furniture at Barn Walls. We have a great selection of headboard designs inspired by Americana culture. All you need to do is add a few Americana-inspired pillows, some distressed pieces of furniture, and your favorite accents.

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