Every headboard of our new line has a story

We are thrilled to announce the results of a new headboard line, this isn’t any new headboard edition, is the result of the design intervention by our own employee team!

Having our team be the creators of this line is a warm hug to the core that shapes us and rejuvenates the endless possibilities of expressing who we are.

Our Employee Design line gives the opportunity to materialize our essence, the people that make the Barn Walls’ team. Each one of us has a different approach on our jobs and functions, as well as being crossed by distinct and individual life stories. In celebration of our diversity, we have encouraged our employees to design their own headboard for Barn Walls inspired by their story. The results have been deeply moving because they reflect the inner world of our people, and is just one of the many possibilities of translating and celebrating each one of us that  is part of our company.

We are never one definition or profession only, our creating decisions are crossed by our tastes, our favorite movie or TV show, the music that we listen to and the variety of activities that we practice, independently of belonging or not to the branch of creativity.

Among our creators, we can find beings that go from 20 to 62 years old, dedicated to different areas inside the company. It has been truly satisfying to watch how, in every one of the designs, the inner landscape that goes along with each member reveals and allows a connection between clients and their headboards, allowing our pieces to inhabit different homes, spaces and celebrating the coincidence of visions; this embraces each headboard in a new and special way! 

Our Copper Mix Headboard designed by Joshua reveals his passion for music by choosing a saturated and contrasting color palette. As well as the Harvest Mix by Curtis, which lets us receive his love for outdoors and hiking through the use of earthy and harmonious tones. These designs are just examples on how you can also personalize your envisioned headboard. Barn Walls offers our clients the opportunity to design their own piece for their bedrooms and living spaces, promoting that creation has no limits, and that a successful design consists of containing a truth and genuine reflection of life.

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